- diedirekten GmbH / Project work, various projects
- Viva con Agua / WordPress front-end and back-end development, WooCommerce, auction tool
- sunovation GmbH / new development of a Shopware 6 store, front-end and back-end development
- Axxelia GmbH / Porting of the website and redesign on Odoo 15
- Dallmayr GmbH / Creation of an internal marketplace in WordPress, UI/UX design, front-end and back-end development
- Premiopet / Shopware 6, UI/UX design, front-end development, SEO
- Phoenix Contact / layout, UI/UX design, graphic design, front-end developmen
- Ortenauer Marketingpreis 2021, Marketing Club Ortenau-Offenburg / layout, front-end and back-end development
- Interlutions GmbH, various projects - among others for Mercedes Benz/front-end and back-end development
- Glaswerk Optics GmbH / Print documents
- Graffitibox / Shopware 5.3 front-end development, back-end development, support
- Reisekoffer-Günstig / Design, Shopware 5.4 front-end development, support
- Kwint / redesign, front-end development, back-end development
- 3PRO.management / Consulting, conception, design, video production and technical realization in CMS WordPress
- LaVita GmbH / Odoo 11 Frontend Development
- QRM Institute / Odoo 11 Frontend
Development, Design & Layout
- Odoo Axxelia / front-end development, programming, technical realization in Odoo 10
- Allianz Versicherung / bei HQ / frontend development, javascript, creation framework with XML parsing
- Bösch & Dages / design, front-end development, consulting, SEO
- PT-Jones | Personal Trainer / consulting, web development (MongoDB CMS), SEO
- Devaldes Design Studio / consulting & training, design, technical realization and
subsequent SEO
- Sodasan Shop / gruener shoppen GmbH /
front-end development, programming and backend, software: Shopware 5.2
- Supernova Design / Design, design implementation of the website, programming.
Cooperation with Axxelia GmbH, Software: Odoo
- Sodasan Shop / gruener shoppen
GmbH / front-end development, programming and back-end, software: Shopware 5.2
- Web-Netz GmbH / Cooperation as front-end developer for Shopware 5.1 /
5.2, full time from March to August 2016 - projects among others: Official VIP & Silvester all. incl.
- ProfessionFit /
Programming, realization of the website and insertion of the content
- Elisa Ruege | TV Producer /
design implementation, technical realization, SEO
- Homöopathie in
Freiburg / logo design, design, programming
- Dr. med. dent. J. Broich /
logo design, design, programming, practice equipment print
- Freiburg International Academy (FIA)
/ design implementation of the website, programming
Cooperation with Axxelia GmbH, Software: Odoo
- Store a better TRUTH / CMS, store software, design, programming, support, SEO, cooperation
- Devaldes Eventpapieterie /
programming, design, support
- Store
a better TRUTH / CMS, Shopsoftware, Design, Programming, Support, SEO, Collaboration
- Devaldes
Eventpapieterie / programming, design, support
- Axxelia
GmbH /CMS, design, programming, support, SEO
- Lutz Ursel Architekt / CMS, programming, design realization
- SIGNS ICR Corporate Design
& Webdesign / CMS, programming, design realization
- a better TRUTH / CMS, new
Design, development
- Flymotions / SEO
- FK Seminare GbR /CMS, design, programming, support
- RA Naturstyle / Shopware, design, design implementation, programming
- Aurogold
/ Print (posters - PDF)
- Ensenso
GmbH / CMS, Design, Programming, Support
- Avitall Gerstetter / CMS, design, print documents, programming, support
- material design gmbh / CMS, Design, Programming
- Sandi
Kozjek Photography / Design, Programming, PHP
- Rebecca Pairan Photography /
CMS, Design, Programming
- Teraspect
GmbH – Softwaresolution | IT Management / CMS, Design, Programming
- Husar Rückbau GbR / CMS, Design, Programming
- Zeit der Stille & Jacoby Gindler & Sentio Verlag
/ CMS, Design, Programming
- Cultureyes
Indienreisen / SEO
- Unitymedia
/ Print documents
- Vitra
AG / Marketing
- Louis Lewandowski
Festival 2013 / print for store articles, design
- Ferienwohnungen in Freiburg /
CMS, design, programming
- Protzek GmbH / CMS, design, programming
- Gunar Schlegel Fotografie /
CMS, design, programming
- Tax office
Frey / search engine optimization
- Shop Planetschwarzwald
– Alles Kunst / design, programming
- Urbanik Consulting / design, programming
- Sergey
Lagodinsky / design, programming (click also Wikipedia)
- Unitymedia
/ SEO optimized landing pages, print
- Immokap
/ CMS, design, programming
- Vitra
- KL
Marketing GmbH / CMS, design, programming
- Akademie
für Sport, Gesundheit & Ernährung / CMS, Design, Programming
- Jacqueline Santos Jewelery /
Design, SEO, Print
- Daniel
Hänle – Finanzierungsberatung / CMS, Design, Programming, SEO
- IFC Deutschland / Contao, design adjustments, programming
- Andy Schumacher & Bandhausfreiburg / design, programming (see also Wikipedia)
- Mitten im Leben / CMS, design, programming, SEO
- Various programming in cooperation with Eva Ruland, San Francisco, USA
- Lothar Albers Finanzierungen /
design, programming, SEO
- Manny’s Schrottrecycling /
design, programming, SEO
- Sport³/ design, programming, SEO
Film / Video
- Cooperation with Medienzentrum
- Deutsche
Bank Business TV (studio production, rich media application for intranet, collaboration at tc.02, today Atkon)
- maxblue
(editorial collaboration, rich media application)
- Wella
TV (studio production, camera, at tc.02)
- European Youth Circus (camera, videocut - broadcast on Hessischer Rundfunk)
- Own films, media educational projects
- Film screenings in the cinema Caligari,
- Jury member BJFworkshop of the young film scene